Saturday, November 21, 2009

Breaking the Status Quo....

It was an old saying that when you are in Rome do as the Romans do...but generation Y refuses it all...

For 5 years my life in JNMCH was more or less the same...Waking up for class at 0800 hours, same old classes, the very same chalk dust or power-point presentations, same bunch of people to hang around, same anxiety before sessionals and exams and same relaxation once you pass them...Life 100% was not bad but yes it was SAME...

But somewhere around mid prof i realized that this Status Quo was being disturbed...Charity and charitable endeavors were not just limited to drug society...People were thinking, breaking inhibitions, striving for more than i have ever seen...There were active discussions on all the impossible topics- religion, nationality, feminism or even skin colour and people were participating, putting there point of view and taking others thoughts very sportingly...People were not just striving to be an MBBS, they wanted to be a doctor,feel the real spirit of this profession, and more importantly be a better person, a better human being...

I don't say that this was applicable to all but yes the number quite enough to get noticed...I cant even say that this happened now...I just wanna say that i noticed it now...possibly i was blind...or there actually was not enough momentum to feel...

Its always said that actions speak louder than words...but even for the word stuff you have to think and the sad part is that people have totally forgotten to think...Got so much into their own lives that they don't even notice whats happening around i think that even if these people don't make a significant difference in this worlds, the fact that they have woken up and started thinking deserves applause...
After all Al-Quran repeatedly asks you to notice and think...
So buddies wake up...try to give up this PARASITIC way of thinking we all have accumulated in our genes over ages, thinking about us all the time...try to be in MUTUALISM with the world,try to give back this world something in return of all the things that have been given to you,even if its as small as planting a tree OR even better if you live like a COMMENSAL giving and not expecting anything back...

Being born ---> living ---> death...This is whats happening to 107 persons/ minute across the globe...This is our one life...our only chance...try to do your share before its impossible...After all we are Generation Y and we have IT in us...For starters "START THINKING!!!"...

P.S. parasitic,commensalism,mutualism are words used to describe relationship between organism...
Parasitic-parasite, benefits at the expense of the host.
Mutualism-cases where both organisms benefit
Commensalism-benefits one organism and the other organism is neither benefited nor harmed