Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Years back I happened to contact an ex-student of AMU and he pleasingly said that he can recognize any aigarian in crowd when he heard the word CHEETA...but that's not what I wanna talk about...i am going to deal with DEALING...

DEALING...That's a very common word in aligarh vocab and I was exposed to it 4 years back when I joined this institution...The first time I was called a dealer in face was by my senior...when i asked her the meaning of this word she said that it is someone who just always tries to prove his or her point right..."But when i am right i have to prove so" i replied back...she gave me a weird expression and said "now don't start dealing again"

So that's it for me ..."A DEALER"...someone who believes he is right,who has guts to say so and above all he dares to argument for that ...he is not stubborn but he is aware enough to make his own decision independently and stand for them...and when the other party is ignorant and cant reply back to him they just pass off by saying "yaar dealing mat kar"...

I always took this adjective a positive quality,something to be cherished,
something i flaunted , something I enjoyed...

I even worked to increase my dealing capacity eg. learn't sayings of great people, brushed my history, even listened to news and looked forward for poetry...

BUT today one of my friends (who to me was one of the biggest dealers I have met in life) said that he was disappointed when I called him so...for a moment I was taken aback...then I was like 'let him say...he is giving me content for a new blog'...he said that I had completely changed his perception about me when I called him a dealer...
I thought 'GOD!!! this word has more power than i can even change perceptions'...does any other word in English dictionary has that power...NO...

For me that's a rare quality buddy...something that discriminates you from the crowd because when you see around yourself you see so many issue left to be discussed, so many problems unsolved and so much ignorant folks that you have to adapt this CYNICAL attitude yourself and start DEALING (with them)...

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