Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hate is a very strong feeling !!!!!!!!!!

Hate is a very strong feeling…………..if you hate something deeply there is very good chances that you will fall in love with the same thing later in life……………I heard this dialogue a long time ago but I thought over it a few days back during my exams (coz that’s the time I do everything but studies)……..
My earliest memories my introduction to AMU was through my father and the immortal movie MERE MEHBOOB…my grandfather studied here, my father and both Chacha studied here, 2 of the three Mamu studied here…and this is just my closest relatives if I go the others easily I can count 50…my chachu made us sing “ye mera chaman” in our school functions (though I didn’t t got a single word then)…in a way every one from my family studied here except those who could not get admission or didn’t study at all…the more Aligarh was in my family the more repulsed I felt for this place…I never wanted to come to this place ever…in a way I hated it…but call it luck or hard luck that despite selection in other colleges too I had to take admission over here… I could not gather the courage to refuse MBBS just for my dislike for this place…………
My first year over here was ok…but the 2nd year was the time when my hatred actually overshadowed my sensibility…I was going through breakups, loneliness and failures…and I accredited it all to this place…nothing seemed to be going out right at that time…I was doing badly in studies, my friends were leaving me one by one and I was too weak to fight with the situation…so I HATED ALIGARH DEEP…REALLY DEEP…
Now I am in my final lapse of this place…I have realized that whatever I have gone through was not because of this place but due to few faults (of mine and others), misunderstandings and my refusal to’s just a mere coincidence that it all happened in a single shot over here…
After around 4 years over here, I have got addicted to this place so that I don’t want to leave it ever…I am looking forward to do PG from here) if good luck permits this time)…and I love everything about my college…LT’s, benches, pillars, gardens, canteen and even ponds…the tarana that was just a song has become part of my life…
Even if I have to leave this place I am sure I will come back someday coz I have to pay back to MY university, MY AMU , MY JNMCH……….Insha Allah


  1. really an appreciable article...WE LOVE AMU.
    will rite soon something in here!!!

  2. i just heard a line in a song dedicated to me by my said this moment could be your FINAL moment or your FINEST moment...really thoughtful...this is possibly my final ...oops no... FINEST lapse in JNMCH...i gonna miss it badly...really...i cant even imagine saying this line 4 years back...this place has grown over me...........
