Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This is s real weird article ....actually I had nothing much to do these holidays so I decided to use my senses...I mean all the five sense organs I have ear eyes nose tongue and skin...so 1st task was to give my tongue a break as it is the only organ I use throughout the year...
I once read an article Helen Keller...once she asked her friend who happened to return from a market place about the things he saw there...he just replied that there was nothing worth watching... she was shocked and replied that she found it surprising how people with eyes could not see anything which probably meant that we were living no better than a blind person...
So the 2nd task was to start seeing...
Then I had to be more attentive to sound and touch but what’s the topic for today did sniff sniff ... I mean smell...
I went to 4 different cities and met more than 10 families in a week long holidays...and I made a note of the first smell as I stepped on the city platform or road...
Faizabad was dusty, feeling like I can develop silicosis with just a sniff, it smelled like soil fresh and dry...my home as I entered smelled of curry...delicious
Lucknow my favorite place but it smelled like carbon...possibly the smoke of the bike in front of my vehicle...and chowk was sweaty and choking...my house there...mmmm it smelled of mixture of diapers and spilled milk...ha ha ha
I visited few more places and then I came home...and Aligarh it smelled like SMOKE...

P.S. do give this a try...it’s actually better than I have written...:-)

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