Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Birthday Treat

As my birthday is just around the corner my friends have started asking me about their treat...
To a few I have told straight that I am not giving it this year, for others I have made lame excuses that I am going out with someone special and don’t want them anywhere around and there’s another bunch for whom I am still looking for a reason ,an excuse...
Many people will accuse me of getting into ALIGARIAN skin as I am running away from expenditure but that’s not the reason...the reason is entirely different...
I was 3rd of Jan this year. We all had our community medicine final practicals. We were taken to RHTC, Jawan for case studies. The patient I got was Khushnoodi Begum. It was a fine morning and everything seemed to be going well because I never knew that she was gonna change me forever...
I took the medico-social history...when I asked about her monthly expenditure she said she spent Rs 500/= per month...I didn’t believe her....I got more into her, asking more questions but at last she completely convinced me that it was that much only...
That’s the moment when out of a sudden my last birthday party flashed to my mind. My parents gave me around 2000 buck and I spent it all in a single evening, in a single shot...it was her 4 month of livelihood...
She looked very thin. Probably she starved sometimes. All those times when I was spending money like a nerd...
Since that day I had never been on any party cause her face just flashes back and the food is no more palatable. This year I am keen to use all the money I get more intelligently... Probably this will keep me off the guilt conscience later in my life and more importantly after my death...That’s all about it friends straight from my heart...!!!!!!!!
If you believe it that’s good...but if you don’t...ya I will be a bit disappointed but I will not CHANGE my decision...and I am not sorry...


  1. It seems you are very caring and feel for others and i truly believe that your intentiion is right in taking this decision and you need not be sorry at all.be proud instead,of taking such a bold decision.birthday treats are not so evasive.my birthday was a few days back and even i haven't still given my friends a treat,though the reason is completely different from yours.Your reason for not spending[wasting] money is justified,don't know why it never struck my mind and believe me,after going through your views,i'm also having second thoughts about my treat.but you can do more,not just by using dat money 'intelligently' but also by trying to help those who really need it.its nice to know that there are still people like you who are good at heart,but the sad part is that in today's scenario,you don't get many who not only feel and say what is right,but actually go on to do it.if your intention is not wrong,then i don't feel that there is any point in hiding it.so instead of making an excuse for not giving the treat,you should tell your friends the real reason.think that would send a message to them and who knows,they might follow your footsteps.you have one thinking about it already.

  2. at times it is difficult to actually say the right thing in the right manner.....i know i am right but u know most of the time people misunderstand...that's why i chose blogging....i can say whatever i feel like now....and don't give a damn about others...that's the coolest thing about it........

  3. when u know that u r right,no matter what people think and say about u,u should keep moving on.if u feel that u will be misunderstood by people,then its better not saying anything to them.not meaning that you should not blog.but try expressing your views in person.it will surely be more effective for your noble ideas.right na.
