Wednesday, March 18, 2009


This is a hot topic these days ...T.V. and newspapers are flourished with articles against my little experience about this big word...
When I was a fresher I was too scared about it but in JNMCH this came out to be the most beautiful and most memorable days of my life...
We as freshers were supposed to greet all our seniors with SALAM, we were not allowed to stare at their faces and we were restricted of some recreational areas of the college...sometimes they would stop us and ask us general questions about us...we were supposed to refer all our seniors by SIR / MAM and that’s does that sounds like ...not even a was the healthiest form of interaction possible between the seniors and new students like us...we called it INTRODUCTION...
Since the laws against ragging became strict, our college was the first one to the days have changed and what lies is a communication gap, an identity gap between seniors and juniors... I don’t recognise most of my juniors...many juniors call me by the name...some even dare to pass what do you call this...I call it RAGGED BEHAVIOUR...
I might not be in the good books of all my seniors but truly they ALL are in my good books...I feel thankful for them to make me feel like studying in college...hope you all always be my senior least in my memories you all will be the most wonderful persons I have ever met...

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